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The Crow Who Wanted to Sing

by Jyoti Khare
In a huge forest, deep in the south of India, creatures big and small lived. Some were brown, some were red, some had stripes all over and some others were entirely white; all of them spent their time either attacking each other, or running away from hunters...
How that entire forest was transformed by a beautiful friendship between four animals, that is the subject of this story superbly illustrated by aurovilian artist Jyoti Khare.
Published by: Auroville Press & SAIIER, 2011
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 25 x 23cm
Language: English
Pages: 64
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 25 x 23cm
Language: English
Pages: 64
Neem - The Grumpy Tree
Tell Me, My Friend, What is this Auroville?
The Path of Later On
Health Trek - Papui and Elay
Bauhinia - A Tree Who Wanted to Be an Orchid
The Adventure of the Nine
The Water Book: Jalam and Savita's Big Voyage
Yaroslava's Flowers
Travels of the Psychic Being
The Little Wave
So Small That You Cannot See It
True Animal Stories
What is a Tree?
An Integral Education for GROWTH AND BLOSSOMING
A Tale of Tails
Crabs on a chappal