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The little Child and the Holy Knight

The book portrays the experiences of a child as in a Vedantin tale and, as a youth, the visions she has of sages preparing for a new world and consciousness. The images by the greatest fairy tales illustrators, the photographs of Matrimandir and nature are a visual representation of the unfolding story. Synthesizing Vedanta and Integral Yoga, this is an offering by Paulette to Auroville turning fifty.
Eight colour pages, forty-eight black and white pages, A 4 size, all on art paper. Available at the Seagull bookshop (Visitors’ Centre, Auroville) – and also at Pitanga until February 23, during the exhibition “I Invite You to the Great Adventure”.
The Way of Horus: The Pictorial Way of Ancient Egypt
Life at Zero Distance: The freedom of being nothing and none
The Philosophy of Religion
The Royal Cubit: Psychometrics of Ancient Egypt
The Pyramids and the Sphinx
An Evolutionary Agenda for the Third Millennium: A Primer for the Mutation of Consciousness
Archetypes of Liberation: Psychodynamics of Ancient Egypt
The Garden of Man and Other Stories from Ancient Times
The Ancient Egyptian Senet Game: The Game of Archetypes
Immortal Wisdom - From Ancient Times in Myths, Tales, and Legends
The Portals of Vedic Knowledge
The Spiritual Encyclopedia by Vijay
Pilgrims of the Infinite - Manoj Pavithran
Evolution, Religion, and the Unknown God