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Health Trek - Papui and Elay

by Emanuele Scanziani and Yvelise Vaugeois
“Health Trek” describes the initiatory route of Papui and Elay, two young children in search of hidden treasures behind ordinary life. During their trek to the top of a mountain, they navigate between “the inner regions” and “the world below” via a series of doorways with mysterious inscriptions. In this way, various unusual perspectives regarding the topic of health are revealed to them, all in a light and humoristic vein. Based on true events put in relation to the words of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, this illustrated story attempts to put forward another way of looking at the not always so easy journey through life in a physical body...
Published by: SAIIER & Papui and SomethingElse
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 30 x 22cm
Language: English
Pages: 112
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 30 x 22cm
Language: English
Pages: 112
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