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12 Meditation rooms inside the "Petals"

In January 1972, the Mother gave to the architect the following documents:
1) Sri Aurobindo’s instructions for the colours of her symbol,
2) a colour chart of her symbol and
3) the list of the Mother’s twelve ‘Virtues’.
“Centre and four powers, white.
The twelve all different colours in three groups:
top group red, passing to orange towards yellow;
next group, yellow passing through green towards blue; and
third group, blue passing through violet towards red
If white is not convenient, the centre may be gold (powder).”
Sri Aurobindo 20th March 193420th March 1934
The Mother wrote the following list of 12 Virtues in French and explained that the first eight represent attitudes towards the Divine and the last four attitudes towards humanity.
Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude,
Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity,
Progress, Courage, Kindness,
Generosity, Equality, Peace.

In July 1972, she told him verbally how to match the colours and the Virtues.
The colour light
blue for Sincerity and dark blue for Peace.
[1] Note that the Gardens too rotate counter-clockwise and that so do the twin central staircases and twin spiral ramps.

So, one sits and
concentrates on a particular Virtue while being bathed in the light of the
corresponding colour.
So, one sits on a concrete slab clad with white marble, which seems to float inside the flattened sphere. The rooms are air conditioned and there is an object of concentration at eye level (if one sits on the floor). This object is a translucent oval disc (made of Glass Reinforced Plastic) which is placed in front of a small window through which natural light enters at daytime. At night time electrical light produces a similar effect. An Auroville artist, Shanta, designed some geometrical patterns on these objects of concentration: a different pattern for each room.

A circular corridor gives access to these 12 meditation rooms. The
outer wall of each one of these sections of corridor is clad with red
sandstones and the architect has used the pattern created by the joints between
the stones to try and express each particular Virtue. (For example, in
the corridor of Peace, the joints between stones are horizontal and
thick; but horizontal in the corridor of Humility, the joints are very