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Garden of the Unexpected

Leading team & Integration
The GoU design event has concluded. The event organizing team and Observing Committee are happy to express our gratitude to all the participants for manifesting the beautiful results out of the process.
The design GoU F has emerged as the preferred choice by the Aurovilian public panel. It was seen in the Public Panel discussion and also reflected in the feedback, that most people asked for an integration of designs GoU A & GoU F.
Some people also asked for an integration of sustainable elements of GoU B in the final design. A few asked for elements from all other designs also be integrated.
The leading team of Unexpected Four ( Mona, Joss, Andreas, Greg) will integrate the feedback from the expert and public panellists within six weeks period. They have proposed a Dreamweaving process with Lara and Jyoti to take on board their comments and observations. Within the next 4-6 weeks we will have a refined and reworked proposal that will be ready for implementation.
The names behind the design codes who put in their time and creative efforts to bring fresh energy into Matrimandir gardens are listed below
GoU A - Jyoti Naoki Eri
GoU B - Lara Davis
GoU C - Sreevatsa Ramesh (Tapasya design studio)
GoU D - Shailaja Sudhalkar Bhati (Path architects)
GoU E - Pavel Bogdanovich
GoU F - Mona, Joss, Andreas, Greg (Unexpected Four)
GoU G - Supriti, Neel & Prasad (Ovoid atelier & Auromira)
GoU H - Arantza Iriarte Campo, Rosanna Agudo (Spain)
GoU I - Jitesh Malik (Chandigarh)
GoU J - Madhivanan Gnanavel
GoU K - Mohammed Sameer
To view the profiles & designs of the people who participated in the GoU Open Design Event go to this link and scroll down: (some profile pics are declined)
Some of the people who helped bring out this process and contributed their time and energy:
Matrimandir coordinators, Sonali, Elvira, Tatiana-Slava-Jesse, Pavneet, Satish
GoU Event Coordinators & The Observing Committee
Natasha, Induja & Aurosylle, Eric Avril, Hemant S, John, Louis, Vladimir, Angelo (AvC), Mandakani (Wcom)
Garden of the Unexpected
Matrimandir, Auroville,
Tamil Nadu, India 605101
Ph: + 413-2622228

Launching announcement of 2 June 2018
Dear Friends,
Matrimandir announces the Garden of Unexpected (GoU), Open Design Event!
The Matrimandir executives are calling for design proposals for the Garden of the Unexpected.If you have a great idea & the capability to, design and implement garden landscaping, we invite you to participate by registering and filling out this form
You can apply individually or as a team. Please read the brief here.
Registrations open on 31st May and close 30th June 2018
You can watch a short presentation on the design event, here.
For more information, please write to
This garden was described by Roger Anger, the chief architect of Auroville and Matrimandir, as a place where a child could have an initiatory experience, a place of wonder, a garden for discovering the unexpected.
The garden is in four sections and lies between the Unity garden and oval road, spreading in a Japanese fan shape from the office to the west gate.