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The European House

Some time ago Auroville’s town-planning office
TDC took the wise decision to allow for temporary structures in the
International Zone. In the past this so far underdeveloped zone of Auroville has
faced great challenges, like land encroachment and littering and vandalizing
from outside parties, with only Bharat Nivas, the Pavilion of Tibetan Culture, the
Unity Pavilion, the International House, the Inuksuk, Savitri Bhavan and the
Visitors Center as its first settlers and guardians.
Active presence provides the best protection
and stimulates the imagination of what one day will become a vibrant
international campus of cultural, educational and research activities. So, the
African and the French pavilions recently took their first temporary shape and
Sankalpa Art Journeys found their temporary home in colourful blue containers
opposite the Inuksuk.
The call was also heard from the European
pavilion group, which had formed up over more than a decade as a collaborative
effort of several national pavilion groups, with its members mainly from
Auroville International (AVI) but also from Auroville. In its earlier years the
group had concentrated on the inner search, on the question of whether one can
speak of a common European identity, of a “European soul” striving to shape its
body – a question which cannot be easily answered by a yes or a no, but will be
an important topic for inner and outer research of a future European Pavilion. Confronted
with recent major threats for the unity of Europe, so important and precious
after two devastating wars in the last century, the group felt the urge to create
some material space which could receive and anchor the Mother’s and Sri
Aurobindo’s force working for human unity. As a first step two years ago, on
February 21, 2016, a tree was planted and a small sculpture with the Mother’s
name “Mirra” in Sanskrit erected and consecrated in the designated European
area of the International Zone.
Then fundraising started for the manifestation
of a temporary European House and a place was offered in the fenced and
protected compound of the International House. Donations came in from different
European AVI groups and individuals, from a Luxemburg Green Party member of the
European Parliament, who donated for the solar equipment of the house and also
sent an encouraging message for the inauguration, and from Aurovilian pavilion
groups and individuals.
On February 17 of this year the first section
of the European House – two modules and an open platform – could be inaugurated
with a lively festive act. The construction team of Jothi Prasad Rajan’s
Aurocreation had given their best to finish work just in time and a dynamic
team of landscaping volunteers, guided by Michael Roberts from Scotland, had
worked until the last moment to beautify the surroundings and give an idea of a
future garden setting around the structures.
Aurovilian Denis Capdeville, who was the main
organizing force behind the construction, welcomed the guests, among them Ms. Nirima
Oza, member of the Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation, who also
greeted the participants. B Sullivan conveyed the greetings from the
International House team, the direct neighbours, and expressed his wish for
more dynamic development of the International Zone ( in the years to come.
Isa Wagner, then Secretary of Auroville
International, spoke on behalf of AVI mentioning the importance of Auroville as
an “earth-laboratory”, of which nations and continents are the distinct and
indispensable parts, each elaborating on a specific aspect of collective evolution
leading humanity to its true unity in playful and inspired diversity. She
quoted Sri Aurobindo who described Europe’s main achievement as follows: “… the democratic conception of the
right of all individuals as members of the society to the full life and the
full development of which they are individually capable … It is now fixed that
social development and well-being mean the development and well-being of all
the individuals in the society and not merely a flourishing of the community in
the mass which resolves itself really into the splendour and power of one or
two classes … But in addition, there is this deeper truth which individualism
has discovered ... He [the individual] is not merely a member of a human pack,
hive or ant-hill; he is something in himself, a soul, a being, who has to
fulfil his own individual truth and law as well as his natural or his assigned
part in the truth and law of the collective existence. ... That is an idea, a truth
which, intellectually recognized and given its full exterior and superficial
significance by Europe, agrees at its root with the profoundest and highest
spiritual conceptions of Asia and has a large part to play in the moulding of
the future.“ (The Human Cycle, Chapter II – The Age of Individualism and
Thus uplifted the 250 participants of the
joyful event were offered a copious fundraising lunch. The delicious food was
generously offered by different Auroville restaurants and individuals, Kalsang
from the neighbouring Pavilion of Tibetan Culture contributed with fresh
drinking water, dishes and cutlery were lent by the Unity Pavilion, volunteers
from Auroville and AVI served the food and washed the dishes – it was a truly
collaborative effort.
The program was framed and completed by small activities
and performances offered by different national groups, mirroring the rich
cultural diversity of Europe: a master potter from Kazakhstan, a German
pianist, recitals in Catalan, Spanish and Luxemburgish, songs in Swedish, Portuguese
and French, a German canon, an Italian aria, a Russian modern dance and a
French circle dance, a British and an Irish poetry recital, an Austrian
volunteer with drummers from Swaram, and much more.
When the crowds had left and the sun sails were
removed the next steps to be taken became obvious: to start a new fundraising,
for a third building module to complete the original layout based on a
three-pointed starlike form around a hexagonal platform and also for a canopy
covering this platform; to complete the landscaping and beautification of the
surrounding area; to look for furniture and, above all, to fill the place with
life, with cultural activities, small performances, exhibitions and such. The
space shall also be offered as a base camp for further planning activities of
other pavilion groups, in the spirit of true sharing and collaboration. A taste
of this international sharing spirit became obvious shortly after the
inauguration, when the neighbours from the International House communicated
their plans to build another guesthouse within the compound, which would also
be available for guests of the European House, and a community kitchen offering
the possibility for an adjacent European restaurant. A promising outlook for an
accelerated development of the International Zone!
Friederike, Auroville International
Bulgarian Pavilion
Inuksuk and the Canadian Pavilion Group
Scandinavian Pavilion
George Nakashima's Peace Table for Asia in Auroville's Hall of Peace
Inauguration of the Peace Table for Europe
Tamil Heritage Centre (THC)
Pavilion of Tibetan Culture
Korean Pavilion
French Pavilion - Pavillon de France
Centre for Indian Culture
German Pavilion
The Hall of Peace
Slovenian Pavilion
Italian Pavilion
Alpona - Images and sounds from Bengal
Bharat Nivas - Pavilion of India
Russian Pavilion
Japanese pavilion