Sheryl Castelino

Design Philosophy
A holistic approach towards design involving functionality, aesthetics & resource conservation. Sustainability and climate-responsive design form the basis of our work. Use of alternative, traditional & modern building technology as appropriate to the context and brief. Search for timeless architecture that is beyond 'trends' and doesn't struggle to be 'new' or 'inventive' for the sake of it. The search is for 'egoless' architecture in the present ego-driven contemporary architectural trend the world over.
B.Arch. (CA/99/24563)
April 1997 "Bachelor of Architecture" degree with First Class honours from Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies, Bombay.
Research: Personal research on alternative building technology, sustainable development in Auroville and India
Seminars/ Workshops/Exhibitions conducted:
- Part of the Auroville’s Future team that organised conference on ‘City Networking for a sustainable future & Human Unity‘ with participants from 30 European & Indian cities.
- Auroville exhibitions on City networking in Treviso,Paris,Venice,Mumbai & Chennai, April- Sept 2002;
- Sustainable Architecture: Perspectives for mainstream Design Practice organized by Dr.Chamanlal Gupta, Auroville July 2001
Internships provided: Architectural training to over 60 students from architecture schools in India and Europe.
Works Featured:
- Drawings on Khajuraho published in art journal ‘Marg’ March 2000
- Drawings and maps published in ‘Monumental Legacy’ Oxford Press Guide to Khajuraho 2000
- Young Designer Special – Indian Architect & Builder February 2002
- Auroville website – architects-
- Immaculate conception, Perfectten- July-August 2002
- Golconde : Chamanlal Gupta 2003
- Design Today Anniversary issue 2007
- Open House: Design Today April 2008
- Contemporary Perceptions : Home Review May-June 2008
Own Articles Published
- Article ‘Unhewed Passion’ in design Journal ‘Perfectten’ – May 2001
- Article ‘Amazing Transformation’ in design journal ‘Inside-Outside’ July 2001
- Article ‘Woven Tales’ in design journal ‘Perfectten’ – July 2001
- Article ‘Peppino & his magic lamp’ in Perfectten’ - July 2001
- Article ‘Hotel de l’Orient. Pondicherry’ for local architecture journal ‘Realty’
- Article ‘Eluding the Conventional’ Perfectten Jan–Feb 2002
- Colonial Enthusiasm…Renovated. Perfectten March –April 2002
- Auroville pamphlets on architecture & Planning – Februrary 2002
- Asia-urbs conference Interviews, Auroville Today – April 2002
- Auroville Outreach Newsletter. September 2002
- Architecture section – Auroville website
State Architect of the Year 2008 commendation Award for Pondicherry, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, at the JK cement Awards
Listed among five promising young architects for the year 2002 by Journal, ‘Indian Architect and Builder’ Februrary 2002
Castelino Marchese Architects
Progress, Auroville 605 101, Tamil Nadu