Auroville Security & Emergency Service (A.S.E.S)
To Maintain Peace and Safety

Comprising of vast open spaces and multiple entry points, the Auroville township faces security issues – both on a material and a human plane. The Mother had envisaged a lofty ideal in this domain for Auroville, a place where an alternative peaceful security force would exist instead of armed guards.
AIM: To maintain peace and safety within the Auroville City area.
"Auroville, the free International Township. No army, no police.
They are replaced by a battalion of guards consisting of athletes and gymnasts."
The Mother
Scope of Work 24/7
- A team trained in communication and dispatch answers phone calls from residents/ guests and sends first-response personnel according to the issue and nature of the emergency.
- Guards are posted at the main entrances of Auroville two at each place to control the access to Auroville, redirecting the main flow towards the Visitor Centre’s parking. Every now and then they switch check-posts, patrolling through Auroville.
- Aurovilians, committed to First Response, are trained to help during an incident.
- Aurovilian volunteers, especially youth forming a team of Civil Patrol take turns every evening to observe and address any unwanted behaviour or presence.
- Information is one of the first preventive steps we have to take toward the safety of our community. Helpful information is shared with the community regarding precautions to be taken to prevent untoward incidents and steps to follow in case of emergency.

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