Auroville Road Service

Taking Care of Auroville's Roads

The Road Service is composed of two departments: The maintenance of existing roads, cycle paths and water channels and secondly, development of new roads, cycle paths and water channels. Besides that it offers public work help to Aurovilians and units in Auroville. Recently the service added small welding and spray painting work to their list of activities.

Work in Progress
History of Auroville Road Service

The "Auroville Road Service" became an official unit in January 2012, with Mr. Alain G and S. Manickam as executives. The temporary stock yard in Reve was later moved to a permanent stock yard in the service area. This unit was created to develop new roads and water channels, and maintain existing roads and cycle paths within the city area. The team partially finished the Crown Road, radials, and a small part of the Outer Ring Road in accordance with the Master Plan. In addition, it also successfully finished the sewage work along the Vikas Radial.

Auroville Road Service
List of Activities undertaken by Auroville Road Service
  1. Repair of roads, pathways and cycle paths.
  2. Making earth stabilised, paved and RCC platform.
  3. Digging of trenches and laying of electrical, telephone and optical fiber cables.
  4. Digging of trenches and laying of water pipes and sewers.
  5. Small welding works.
  6. Spray painting.
  7. JCB rental for pond and other digging work.
  8. Transport of gravel within Auroville.
Multipurpose activities

Get in Touch

Road Service

0413 - 2622844

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