Auroville will be a self-supporting township. All who live there will participate in its life and development.
Social Enterprises of Auroville
The principle of willing, voluntary contribution to the building and maintenance of the city is the keystone of Auroville's economy, which is essentially experimental and has gone through many changes over time. We present in detail some of the more-than 230 social enterprise units. Many of these, besides generating income for Auroville, are dedicated to providing services (social, research, etc) within Auroville, in the bioregion, or further afield.

Social Enterprises
UpasanaConscious Clothing Circle
Naturellement and Garden CafeTraditionally Handcrafted Foods
Eco FemmeJoin the Cloth Pad Revolution
SVARAMCentre for the Craft, Art & Science of Sound
MaromaNatural Fragrances, Fair Trade and Earth Friendly
The Colours Of Nature100% Natural Dyes
Probiotics MG EcoDutiesNatural Care
La Ferme CheeseHandmade Farm Cheese From Auroville
Aurinoco SystemsAuroville Community Internet Service
Aire Masks
Protecting You... -
MANTRAHandmade Pottery
Isai RagamMelody of Music
NALANEnvironmental Research & Service
Re: Think ConsultingBusiness Consulting Services
Wood ConceptExperience Wood Concept, Aesthetics, Quality & Technicity
Marc's Cafe StoreA Specialty Cafe Experience
MagicaSemi-Precious Stone and Silver Jewellery
AuroYaliEarth Architecture & Natural Construction
DynamisSustainable & Conscious Growth Consulting
Auroville Earth InstituteBuilding With Earth
WasteLessChildren Powered Educational Programmes
MatrigoldGold-in-Glass Jewellery
YouthLinkSupporting the Youth Of Auroville
Auromode HiveCoworking Space
WellPaperWomen's Empowerment Through Local Livelihood
aurOMiraBuilding, Repairs and Maintenance
UnLtd Tamil Nadu
Incubating Innovation -
EgaiCreating Eco-friendly Handicrafts