Accessible Auroville Bus

We are happy to inform that the Accessible Auroville Public Bus (12 seats) has started functioning FOR EVERYONE.
The bus is accessible To All. It means that everybody will be able to use it: people who have no physical problems, wheelchair users, mothers with buggies, people with temporary or permanently reduced mobility included. The differently able residents and guests who want to use the bus must call us one day or one hour in advance and they will be picked up at their community.
The bus passes are available at both the Financial Services (Aspiration & Town Hall); Ask for Auroville bus passes. People who don’t have bus passes and want to travel could sign on the blue sheet with their Auroville account number. The blue sheet will be available with the bus driver.
We kindly request you all to provide your feedback after your journey with the bus to improve our service. Wheels for Everyone
If you wish to donate, please use this link: