Youth Centre

The Youth Centre, also known as Peaceful City, is located within the city area adjacent to Mahakali Park comprising many indigenous Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest species. The Youth Centre has grown organically over the last twelve years, establishing itself through the goodwill, energy and dynamism of the participating youth themselves and the elder volunteers who have helped them. Today the running expenses of the Youth Centre are supported by an Auroville business unit and the collective central fund.
The Youth Centre has its infrastructure with connections for electricity, telephone, and water; with a 160-meter deep well and a 7,500-litre water tank. It has a central kitchen with a firewood oven baking facility, bathroom facilities, a variety of living spaces, a central common space/recreational area, a 16-meter diameter plaza with a tent for community events, and a workshop/storeroom with tools, for mechanics, carpentry, welding, metal work, masonry, gardening and forestry.

It is a place where youth of all ages and backgrounds can collectively and constructively come together to relax, work, learn practical life skills and play. We welcome people who want to spontaneously take initiative and build up the community. Whether it is with helping and maintaining, managing the kitchen and cooking for the people working there or with building sustainable community spaces or sharing whatever skills people main have. Most of the projects are self-motivated, there is no ONE person in charge, best is to drop by the Youth Centre to know about the current activities. Every Saturday morning is the farmer's market of the local producers and in the evening there is the YC Pizza Night, which is generally a good time to drop by and see the place.

Peaceful City/Youth Centre provides an essential role for the community of Auroville.
- A place where youth of all ages and backgrounds can collectively and constructively come together to relax, work, learn and play in a safe and nature-oriented environment away from the constraints of family, school and structured society in general.
- A focus and coordination point for interaction and communication between youth in Auroville and youth from other parts of the world.
- A forum for social gatherings and communications; a place where fairs, plays, concerts, youth exchanges and meetings take place.
- A vocational training centre where young people can learn practical life skills through participating in the evolution and maintenance of the buildings and land, empowering them to play an active role in the future of Auroville.
- A terrain where young and old alike can meet to work on common projects which will improve the relationship between the youth and the adult population of Auroville.
- A place where youth who are travelling, temporarily displaced or having problems with their present housing situation may seek short-term shelter free of charge.
- An opportunity for youth to begin learning about their responsibilities in a community context; a chance for them to learn about discipline and self-motivation.
- A learning centre for youth to focus on the raison d’etre of Auroville and their aspirations and service to the community.
- An unending education for community building, leadership training, practical life skills and sustainable ways of living.
Get in Touch
0413 262 2857
See Also