Vérité Community

Vérité (French for "truth") is a multi-faceted project within Auroville, the international "city for human unity" founded in 1968, based on the principles of Mother and Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. Since its inception in 1985, Vérité has focused on ecological concerns, health and wellness, collective process and spiritual "practice-in-action" in its efforts to become a centre for integral development in service to Auroville and its guests.
Vérité features sustainable infrastructure, alternative energy (principally solar), a community-based guest house, organic garden, orchard and kitchen, and facilities for intensives, yoga & re-creation sessions, retreats and other programs. Vérité offers a unique setting for individuals and groups that are searching for living, working examples of alternatives to the conventional approaches to life on this planet.
Vérité Integral Learning Centre
Space for conferences and seminar. Compeleted 2005.
Architects: David Nightingale & Ganesh Bala
Contact: ganesh_bala@hotmail.com

The Yoga Hall in Verité settlement was completed in 1997 and offers space for yoga classes, conferences, seminars and other community needs.
Architect: Raman
Tel: 0413-2622045, e-mail: verite@auroville.org.in

See Also