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The Auroville Foundation Act and the Mother's Guidelines

by Paulette Hadnagy
This research is a continuation of previous research and archival documentation on the Mother's true Auroville that the author has been pursuing since 1985, when first she joined Auroville after living in Pondy in the atmosphere of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Behind the legal jargon of the Auroville Foundation Act there are striking similarities to the feeling tone of the archival documents drafted under the Mother's guidance. As a forerunner to the ideal society, the Mother expected Auroville to be organized on the principle that the more one advances spiritually, the less there are material needs. In essence everything belongs to the one collective being, to be used for the wellbeing of all.
Published by: Government of India grant, 2005
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 14 x 21cm
Language: English
Pages: 120
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 14 x 21cm
Language: English
Pages: 120
Towards Tomorrow: Auroville and Africa, a Journey towards the Future
Anniversary Book
Ideals of Auroville
Auroville - A Dream Takes Shape
Mother on Auroville - References in Mother's Agenda
The Auroville Experience
The Spirit of Auroville
The Antithesis of Yoga
The Dawning of Auroville
Matrimandir - Hymn to the Builders of the Future
Photobook: "Moments in Eternity"
Auroville - A Dream
Auroville, Sun Word Rising - A Trust for the Earth
Auroville, 2046. After the end of one world. Débora Nunes
Economics for People and Earth - The Auroville Case 1968-2008
Auroville International - The Worldwide Network of Auroville Friends
The Auroville Adventure
Turning Points - An inner story of the beginnings of Auroville
The Salt of Life
The Journeying Years - How they came to Auroville
Auroville: A City for the Future
Auroville in a Nutshell
The Auroville Handbook
Interacting with UNESCO during the Mother's Years
The New Being and the New Society
A House for the Third Millennium
Prisma introduces Braille Publications