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School Admission guidelines for children of volunteers

Guidelines for admission of children of Volunteers (who are in the process of becoming newcomers or associated with Auroville) in an Auroville school.
AV School Board (Revised March 2022)
* Auroville schools are primarily for the children of Aurovilians and Newcomers.
* Space may be offered to the child of a person who is in Auroville -
1) To start the Newcomer process and who needs to integrate in Auroville during the guest period;
|2) To volunteer for a specified period of time working in an AV unit or service. Please contact to get the volunteer card.
3) As a Friend of Auroville or Associate of Auroville (working for AV for a minimum of 18 hours a week). Please contact
* Parents should be willing to participate in an Auroville activity, unit or service to apply for school admission.
* Volunteers have to come to Auroville at least 2 weeks before the beginning of the term so their child can adapt and start school. This will allow time to settle in Auroville, find a place to stay and work.
* Volunteers have to re-apply for admission every year. The place will be guaranteed one year at a time. If within that year the space is requested by an Aurovilian or newcomer, the school will take both children. The school cannot guarantee space for the following year.