Savitri Bhavan

Savitri Bhavan in Auroville is a centre dedicated to fostering a living sense of Human Unity through spiritual education based on the vision and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The central focus is on Sri Aurobindo’s mantric epic Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol, which the Mother described as ‘The supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.
Savitri Bhavan aims to gather and create, to house and make available all kinds of materials and activities that will foster a deeper appreciation of Savitri, of the lives, work and vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and of the aims and ideals of Auroville, in a space that breathes the atmosphere of Savitri.
A regular daily programme of classes, exhibitions, musical events, guest lectures and film shows is open to the interested general public, as well as workshops, retreats, and orientation sessions. There is also a picture gallery, a reading room and a digital library offering individual computer access to a collection of audio and video recordings and documents relating to Savitri, the lives, work and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and the aims and ideals of Auroville. The office, exhibitions and information section are open Mon to Sat 9am-5pm, and events are also held in the evenings and on Sundays.
- Picture Gallery: Displays the "Meditations on Savitri" paintings made by Huta under the guidance of the Mother, illustrating selected passages from Sri Aurobindo’s poem.
- Reading Room: Houses a reference collection of books and journals to facilitate study and understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri.
- Audio-visual Collection: Contains a rich collection of recorded talks, video-films and music relating to Savitri, the life and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and the aims and ideals of Auroville, for use by groups and individuals.
- Maison de l’Agenda de Mère – The House of Mother’s Agenda was created in 1988 to provide access to the Mother’s Agenda – the Mother’s record of her sadhana from 1956-1973. The House of Mother’s Agenda has been located at Savitri Bhavan since 2006.
- Publications: Savitri Bhavan publishes two journals of Study Notes on Savitri: Invocation in English, and Prarthana in Tamil, in addition to books and pamphlets relating to our central focus.
- Reception and Information Service: The Reception Desk is open from 9-5 daily, 6 days a week, to receive visitors and answer queries. Queries from students and researchers are also dealt with by e-mail and correspondence. Books, recordings and other learning-materials related to the activities of Savitri Bhavan are available from the Information Service.
- Research: Savitri Bhavan has been created to foster a living research that aids the growth of consciousness. Supporting all these activities a team of researchers is engaged in developing materials that will foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the vision and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and the aims and ideals of Auroville. Assistance is also offered to students and researchers in this field from around the world.
Get in Touch
Savitri Bhavan,
Tamil Nadu, India