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Parvati, or Extreme Love

by Kalidasa
Adaptation of the famous poem in sanskrit by Kalidasa. It describes the union of the god Shiva and his consort Parvati. How the beauty of the goddess could not seduce the ascetic god, by which means she finally succeeded in conquering him, what was the ecstasy of the lovers, such is the subject of this story in which the extreme of asceticism blends with the extreme of sensuality. Tales and Legends of India series.
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 12 x 19cm
Language: English & French
Pages: 122
In English:
In French:
Real Utopias
The Thousand-Petalled Daisy
Parallel Journeys
The Savitri Legend - A Transformational Tale
Made in Auroville
The Color of Women, and Other Stories
Hanuman, or the Way of the Wind
The God Enchanter
Infinity Papers
Shakuntala, or the Ring of Remembrance
Refugees from Paradise
Yatra Sirukadhaigal (Yatra Short Stories)
The Legend of the Descent of the Ganges
Iniyan, Lemurian