Auroville is the free international city - No army, no police, they are replaced by a battalion of Guards
consisting of athletes and gymnasts.

Legal & Financial Structure of Auroville

The Auroville Foundation has three authorities: the Governing Board, the Residents' Assembly, and the Auroville International Advisory Council. The Governing Board has the authority to manage the foundation's affairs. The Funds and Assets Management Committee (FAMC) is an official committee that advises the Governing Board.

  • Auroville Belongs To Nobody in Particular

    Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole.
    But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the
    Divine Consciousness.
  • Auroville Wants to Be a Universal Township

    Where men and women
    of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities.
  • Money should Not Be an Individual Possession

    Auroville is a self-supporting township where all residents participate in its development, either passively or actively
Major Authorities
Adult Aurovilians
New-comers and Volunteers
Acres owned by Auroville
Future of Humanity
UN Aid