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Ireno Guerci
When Ireno came with his partner from Italy to join Auroville in 1988 it was with the intention to drop photography altogether. He had been in the business for years, making photo reportages as a free lancer and had won three different national photo competitions for black&white photography in the early eighties.
While starting to work in the Matrimandir Nursery, he couldn't resist to "keep the finger warm" and, fortunately for us, started shooting here and there, eventually abandoning other work. Everybody is happy with this, since Ireno's photos have the knack of showing a more intimate, more alive side of Auroville than usually is the case.
To date Ireno has had several exhibitions in Auroville and in Pondicherry's Alliance Française, and has published a few photo books about Auroville, as well as yearly Auroville calendars. With a friend, he also initiated 'Auroline', a unit specialising in graphic design, publication, postcards, photography etc .
In 2014, Ireno was awarded the prestigious “LericiPea” – Ligurian Poets and Artists in the World – award. Liguria is a region of north-western Italy, and every year, the prize is awarded to an artist who is honouring his/her Ligurian origins with their work. In the case of Ireno, it is his Auroville-based work, including his recent “Water Being” project using photography, video and installation, which has earned him the privilege.
...not to be forgotten that Ireno is also a painter, and a video-maker...
Some of Ireno's works and publications:
Matrimandir and the park of Unity - book