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Introduction to Health in Auroville

Within Auroville itself there are many diverse approaches, beliefs, attitudes and ideologies about both the nature of health and how it can be achieved. Individual Aurovilians have experienced many different health care approaches and systems, coming as they do from diverse cultural backgrounds. As a result there is a wide range of health promoting activities which includes a number of experimental approaches based on different hypotheses and philosophies in health.
Health and Integral Yoga
The subject of health was addressed extensively by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on many different levels of the individual being, from the physical to the mental to the psychic/spiritual levels. 'Health' is an important aspect of the Integral Yoga which has the aspiration towards the transformation of the body being guided by evolutionary forces. In this light, health crises of various sorts can sometimes be perceived as part of the transformatory process. For the individual, the maintenance of his or her health and dealing with health crises can be perceived as an opportunity to learn more about physical/mental/psychic balance on the spiritual path, one more aspect of the unending education one submits oneself to in Auroville.
Nurturing of awareness
More formally in the schools here, the physical side of developing young bodies is balanced with the development and nurturing of awareness of this development and the meaning this has for the individual.
Health of the community at large
The question of how this city of Auroville is to manifest is central to the health and wholeness of the individuals who live there. The way we feed ourselves, the way we balance our work with other aspects of our lives, the kind of physical environment we create, the way we communicate and support each other are the subject of intense discussion within the community. The decisions that are taken (or not) about each of these issues have considerable implications for the health of the community and the individuals within it, and to a larger extent for the entire bio-region in which Auroville is situated.
Holistically healthy environment
It is commonly understood that if true health is to be achieved, the health of the individual and of the community must support and complement each other, and that the well-springs of health for the individual are more easily accessed and activated in a holistically healthy environment. We're working on this!
Wide variety of treatments
Within Auroville there are at present many different treatment modes available. These are not exclusively for Aurovilians, but also provide for those living in the bio-region as well as visitors, some of whom come specially to take advantage of what is offered. The treatments range from the allopathic model to various alternative and complementary therapies which are provided within a range of different settings.
Health in Auroville is, however, a dynamic process with not only new and experimental treatment approaches but also a wide range of activities that foster a physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy life and enable individuals to reach the source of all health within.