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Immortal India - Towards the Ideal Society

compiled by Paulette Hadnagy
In referring to ancient India Sri Aurobindo refers to a state of society that was a beginning of the ideal society. This book contains a selection of Sri Aurobindo's texts on the ethical and spiritual perfection inherent to the fulfillment of the four varnas (orders of society) and ashramas (stages of life) as they were lived in ancient India, land of the sanatana dharma. Individual perfection manifested also as svadharma, svabhava and adhikara: fulfilling, respectively, one's dharma, predisposition and spiritual urge. The reasons for the decline and the modes of resurgence of the soul and genius of India are also examined. The book includes an introduction, a summary and a Sanskrit glossary.
Published by: Sri Aurobindo 125th Birth Anniversary Group, Auroville. 1997. Reprinted 2005.Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 14 x 21cm
Language: English
Pages: 224
Overman: The Intermediary between the Human and the Supramental Being
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Preparing for the Miraculous
Beyond Man
The New Spirituality
Becoming One: The Psychology of Integral Yoga
At the Crossroads: The Evolution of the Spiritual Being
Finding the Psychic Being
Sri Aurobindo: Compassionate Grace and Laughter
Being of Gold: Our Goal of Self-Perfection
Passage to More than India
Avatarhood: Human and Divine
Identification with the Psychic Being and It's Becoming
Patterns of the Present
Savitri: La scoperta dell'Anima e la vittoria sulla Morte
Sri Aurobindo and the Logic of the Infinite: Essays for the New Millennium
Savitri - The Golden Bridge, the Wonderful Fire
Savitri, the Mother
The Gnostic Cycle: Towards the Supermind
An Introduction to the Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's Vision and Practical Guidance
The English of Savitri Volume 4
The English of Savitri Volume 2
The English of Savitri Volume 1
The Life Divine - translated into Portuguese
Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness
Eternal Youth
The Mother: The Story of Her Life
Mother's Agenda
The English of Savitri Volume 3
The Gunas - The Three Modes of Nature