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From my little hut in the forest by Yorit Rozin

'From my little hut in the forest’ is a collection of stories about my life in Sadhana Forest. My name is Yorit. I grew up in a small city in the center of Israel. My parents raised me in an urban lifestyle very far from nature. But whenever the first autumn rain showers came, I was joyously dancing in the rain.
In May 2002, my husband, our daughter and I settled in Auroville, an international township in southern India. We were following our hearts, trying to explore different ways of living. On December 19th, 2003 – we slept the first night on the land that would become Sadhana Forest. I will never forget that night. I was so excited I couldn’t fall asleep. We were living in a scrap bullock cart with a roof made from coconut leaves. It was pure magic.
See also Sadhana Forest page
The Gita of Waste
This Earth of Ours
Wildlife great and small of India's Coromandel
My Pumpkin Roof: How to grow your own urban food garden
Auroville Farms, Forests and Botanical Gardens
Footsteps through the Salad
Edible Weeds and Naturally Growing Plants in Auroville
How My Garden Grew
Organic Roots: Inspiration from the Founders of the Modern Organic Farming Movement
Moments of Magic
Hands With the Earth
Snakes of Auroville and Pondicherry
Shikra: The Adventure of Environmental Awareness