Deepanam School
Deepanam School, a primary and middle-level school, is an endeavour towards an increasing understanding, openness, and devotion towards Mother and Sri Aurobindo, so as to come to a warm and trustful atmosphere where big and small can progress steadily and truthfully upon their methodology of education.
Located near Matrimandir, Deepanam is an English medium school, that began in 2000, and is presently attended by some 65 children aged 6 - 14. The school, which is open 8.30 am - 3.30 pm, works towards Free Progress, in collaboration with Transition School, Nandanam, and Kindergarten, and tries to provide an education that aims at the integral development of the child. A special attempt is made to bring the principle ‘to love to learn’ into the classroom!
We believe that creating and maintaining increasing harmony and beauty in our physical surroundings is the base for greater progress. Deepanam's campus, with buildings spread out among gardens and trees, allows students to learn in a peaceful and spacious environment.
Since October 2006, Deepanam School has been working with the aim wherein the children feel encouraged to be responsible for themselves. For each group, a schedule is made, by teachers and children together. Progressively, children are encouraged to take up more initiative in making their schedules. Several activities happen in mixed-age groups as well, like French language sessions, handicrafts, field trips, and so on.
We also insist on involving children in daily life at school – this includes arranging the room, cleaning up, working in the garden, cooking, etc.
As part of our educational approach, the school places special emphasis on artistic education, in addition to the usual formal curriculum. Subjects such as painting, music, dance, singing, drama, and gardening are considered as important as regular academics.
It is Deepanam’s aim to have the four key languages – English, French, Sanskrit, and Tamil – specified by The Mother, fully implemented at all levels.
Deepanam School welcomes Auroville children, newcomers to Auroville, and long-term guest’s children from the age of 7 years to 14 years old. At present we have 65 full-time students, 12 full-time teachers, and 8 part-time teachers. We are a fast-growing school with the aim of reaching a 150-student capacity in the next 5 years.
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