David R. Brower 1912-2000

A dedicated and enthusiastic leader of the environmental movement in the USA and elsewhere
David R Brower supported Auroville as the Reference Person for the Nomination of Auroville for the Blue Planet Prize 1997:
"Auroville stands as one of the most courageous and hope-giving models of what is possible when the human will and spirit unite in a common action. (...)
Though Auroville has been endorsed by the United Nations and is recognized by an Act of the Indian Parliament, it essentially remains a grassroots project. Its residence members, now nearly 1200 from more than 30 different countries, struggle not only to support themselves and their ongoing environmental work, but also many interrelated projects and village outreach programs. These include the integration of alternative energy and technologies, organic agriculture, and other community practices consistent with building a sustainable society.
I encourage you to assist this unique global community venture in its determination to reverse the tide of environmental destruction, demonstrating how to restore hope and compassion on the only Earth."