Auroville Entry Service

The Entry Service at Auroville is located on the first floor of the Town Hall's Multimedia building. The ES plays a crucial role in guiding individuals who wish to join this unique and experimental community. Here’s a step-by-step overview of the entry procedure
The Entry Service in Auroville helps applicants from abroad obtain an Entry Visa. Applicants can contact the Entry Service office to register and attend a Welcome Talk. The Welcome Talk is an initial information talk.
Applicants must also submit two support letters from Aurovilians to the Entry Secretariat. The Auroville Foundation issues an official letter of recommendation if the Entry Board recommends it. International applicants may need to obtain a one-year entry visa from their home country, which can be renewed three times.
Foreigners may use a tourist visa to explore Auroville for the first time. After confirming their intention to apply for the Newcomer process, the Entry Service may help them get the required recommendation from the Auroville Foundation.

Exploration Period (First 2-3 Months):
During the initial months, interested applicants wishing to join Auroville can explore Auroville, attend a one-afternoon Welcome Talk, and participate in a 3-day Yucca programme that allows them to visit various places within Auroville.
They can also meet some members of the Entry Board for an initial sharing, along with an Aurovilian mentor of their choice.
If you are a foreigner, obtaining a one-year entry visa (renewable three times) from your home country may be necessary at this stage.
Your interactions with the community during this period will be observed, and you may be announced as a potential newcomer in the community’s weekly News & Notes bulletin.
Newcomer Period (12 Months):
Once accepted as a newcomer, a second mentor will be assigned to you by the Entry Secretariat.
You will receive a Newcomer Kit that provides essential information about administrative, financial, and housing procedures.
Note that housing availability is limited, and ‘free housing’ arrangements are rare.
During this period, you are encouraged to explore areas where your skills, interests, or knowledge can contribute to Auroville.
Ideally, you will work an average of 35 hours per week.
Participating in a week-long Aspiration programme is also recommended to familiarize yourself with Auroville’s ideals and ongoing projects.
Evaluation and Integration:
At the end of the year, you’ll meet with your mentors and the Entry Board for a joint sharing.
The evaluation considers your understanding of Auroville’s vision, work, housing, financial situation, and integration into the community.
If all requirements are met, your name will be mentioned in the News & Notes as a potential ‘Aurovilian.’
After a waiting period, you will meet with the Secretary of the Auroville Foundation to be officially added to the Register of Residents.
The adventure continues…, welcome to Auroville!
Note: Entry Service is Closed Temporarily