Auroville Archives

The Auroville Archives was established in 1991 and is the repository of historical documents, photographs, videos, etc., about Auroville, in both analog and digital formats.
The Auroville Archives serve as a repository for significant letters, documents, publications, photographs, slides, and audio/visual materials related to the concept, planning, inauguration, and progressive development of Auroville. These archives emphasize the experimental nature of the work carried out in this unique township.
Under the guidance of Late General Krishna Tiwari, an Aurovilian who was an active member of the community from 1976 to 2015, the Auroville Archives were established in 1991. The original purpose was to chronicle the growth of Auroville from its inception onward, documenting the challenges faced and overcome during the township’s evolution.

The important documentation housed in the Auroville Archives includes:
Written Records: These cover the conception, planning, and developmental growth of Auroville.
Solutions Tried: Records of various solutions attempted to address challenges over the years.
Meeting Minutes: Documentation of discussions among Aurovilians on different aspects of problem-solving.
Multifarious Activities: Papers related to diverse activities that have occurred over time.
Photographs and Slides: Visual records capturing Auroville’s journey.
Original Research: Studies in fields like alternative energy, building design, low-cost housing, organic farming, and financial management (with a focus on adhering to Mother’s directive of ‘no money exchange in Auroville’).
The Auroville Archives team ensures that all collected material is protected against heat, humidity, dust, and insects. They are also digitizing available data for permanent preservation. Presently, more Aurovilians and visitors are utilizing the Archives for study and research purposes.
If you come across any Auroville-related material in publications or elsewhere, feel free to contribute it to the Archives. You can address your submissions to:
Get in Touch
+91 413-2622054
Mon to Sat 9:00 AM to
1:00 PM and 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM