Savitri Bhavan located in the International Zone of Auroville offers a wide range of activities focusing on Savitri and Integral yoga.

Meditations on Savitri

A painting exhibition of 472 paintings created by the Mother with Huta from 1961-67 is on display in the picture gallery

A Bilingual Exhibition on ‘Sri Aurobindo: A life-sketch in photographs’

With texts both in English and Tamil is displayed in the upper corridor 

A special Exhibition

Homage to The Mother

A painting exhibition by Aghni

March 5 to 21, 2025

Inauguration on Wednesday, March 5th at 10 am


Mondays 4 pm in the Sangam Hall

March 3: Meditations on Savitri, Book 6 – The Book of Fate, Cantos 1-2

Narad, the heavenly sage, visits Aswapati’s palace in Madra. Savitri too arrives and says that she found her partner, Satyavan. Finally, Narad declares that Satyavan must die in one year and Savitri alone can face her hour of Fate and save the world. Duration: 33min.

March 10: The Yoga of the Earth. Extracts from ‘About Savitri’ - with reading and comments by The Mother and paintings by Huta. A meditative film produced by Savitri Bhavan in 2016 with audio restoration and programming by Holger. Duration: 32min.

March 17: Interview of Shraddhavan – Responses to Questions about Auroville

Filmed by a Russian TV Crew on April 3, 2013. Shraddhavan speaks about her entry into Auroville in 1970, the Matrimandir, and about Savitri – the Supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s Vision. Duration: 54min.

March 24: The Quest of Truth and Sanatan Dharma

Pariksith Singh and Partho converse about the Quest of Truth and Sanatan Dharma, the eternal law and life itself, at the Jaipur Literature Festival 2024. Duration: 46min.

March 31: Sri Aurobindo’s Uttarpara Speech - Sri Aurobindo in his speech at Uttarpara in Bengal in 1909 spoke about the Sanatan Dharma as the universal and eternal truth. The text by Sri Aurobindo is read by Angad, a production of Savitri Bhavan with subtitles. Duration: 33min

Full Moon Gathering

Thursday March 13th  7.15-8.15 pm in front of Sri Aurobindo’s statue

Regular Activities

Sundays 10.30 –12 noon: Savitri Study Circle led by Larry Seidlitz

Mondays 3-4 pm: The Knowledge and Ignorance – The Spiritual Evolution in The Life Divine led by Dr.Jai Singh

Tuesdays 3-4 pm: Readings of the words of The Mother on Aims and Ideals of Auroville led by Dr. Jai Singh

Tuesdays 4.30-6.30 pm: Savitri Satsang followed by OM Choir led by Narad

Mondays to Saturdays 3-5 pm: L’Agenda de Mère: listening to recordings with Gangalakshmi

Thursdays 4-5 pm: Videos of The English of Savitri led by Shraddhavan

Thursdays 4-5.30 pm: Reading Savitri in Russian with Anatoli

Fridays 3-4 pm: Reflections on ‘Release of Ego’ part 2 of Ch.9 from The Synthesis of Yoga led by Dr. Jai Singh

Saturdays 5-6.30 pm: Satsang, led by Ashesh Joshi

Exhibitions, Main Building and Office are open 

Monday to Saturday 9-5

Library and Digital Library is open Monday to Friday 9-5

Everyone is welcome
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